Sales Coach vs. Sales Conference
HEY.... Don't get me wrong, I LOVE me some sales conferences! The Networking. The Energy. The information. It's Food for the Sales Reps Soul! There are always so many nuggets that you walk away with. However, that's not the issue. Sales Conferences inspire and relight the fire. That fire burns for a few days. Next week it gets dimmer. A month later the flame is back at where it was originally. A sales coach offers an opportunity for ongoing and trackable success and accountability, along with continued support, and motivation.
A sales conference is a huge expense without the accountability on the back end. Where the sales conference ends, is where the Sales Coach begins. The continued tracking and training with and for the Sales Rep is vital. How do business professionals track the ROI on a sales conference? You can't! It's individual based. Each person will take away different aspects and information.
I am in NO Way discounting the benefits of a sales conference. I believe if you're going to invest in a sales conference, then there should be an investment in the Post conference to ensure we are maximizing the valuable dollars spent.
I will always be a proponent for Sales Conferences, only if it's coupled with a sustainable plan for growth by way of a Sales Coach.